Transform Your New Year’s Intentions into Action with ACT
Benefits of ACT for New Year's Intentions
Struggling with how to narrow down your intentions for this year, even after a bit of reflection? One approach that may be helpful is called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, or ACT. ACT is a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy that emphasizes acceptance and mindfulness. Mindfulness is the ability to be present in the moment and observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Acceptance means accepting your thoughts and feelings, even if they're unpleasant.
So how can ACT help with setting mental health intentions for your year? First, it can help you get in touch with your values. What's important to you? Why do you want to make this change? When you're clear about your values, it's easier to stay motivated.
ACT can also help you deal with stress. ACT teaches skills like mindfulness and acceptance, which can help you cope with stress in a healthy way.
Finally, ACT can help you develop a plan of action. What are you going to do to achieve your goals? What are your obstacles? How will you deal with setbacks? Having a plan can increase your chances of success.
Implementing Values-Based Decision-Making
It is widely understood that the decisions we make in life are based on our values. However, what is not always as clear is how to go about making values-based decisions. This can be especially difficult during times of transition or when we are faced with difficult choices.
One way to approach values-based decision-making is to first identify your core values. This can be done by thinking about the things that are most important to you in life. Once you have identified your values, you can then begin to weigh different options and choices against those values.
For example, let's say one of your core values is family. When faced with a difficult decision, you could ask yourself how each option would impact your family. Would one choice lead to more time spent with your family? Would it allow you to better provide for your family? Asking these sorts of questions can help you to identify which choice is the best one for you, based on your values.
Of course, there will be times when two or more options are equally viable from a values perspective. When this happens, it can be helpful to seek input from others whose opinions you trust. Talking through your options with someone whose opinion you respect can help to provide clarity and ultimately lead you to the best decision for you.
Making values-based decisions is not always easy, but it is a very important part of life. By taking the time to think about your values and how they relate to the choices you are making, you can ensure that you are making the best decisions for yourself and for your life.
And, if you base decisions on your values, you’re more inclined to move your intentions into action, even then things become difficult on the path of self-evolution.
Moving from Thought to Action
Values-based living can help you take action toward your intentions because it gives you a sense of purpose. When you know what you stand for, it's easier to make decisions that are in line with your intentions. And when you have a strong sense of purpose, you're more likely to stick with your intentions even when things get tough.
So, if you're looking for a way to move from thought to action on your intentions in the new year, ACT may be the perfect framework for you. Here's how it can help you:
Understand your values and what's important to you
When you know what's important to you and what you value most, it's much easier to stick to your intentions even when things get tough. Values-based living can help you stay motivated and focused on what's most important to you, even when times are tough.
Get clear on your intentions and what you want to achieve
It's difficult to stick to your intentions if you're not clear on what they are! Getting clear on your intentions and what you want to achieve is an important step in the right direction. Once you know what you want, it'll be much easier to take action towards achieving it.
Make a plan and put it into action
An intention without a plan is just a dream. So, once you've set your intentions, it's time to make a plan and put it into action. This doesn't have to be complicated – just something that outlines the steps you need to take to achieve your intentions. Having a plan gives you a roadmap to follow and helps to keep you accountable.
Seek support from others
You don't have to go it alone! There are plenty of people out there who want to help you achieve your intentions. Seek out a support system of family, friends, or professionals who can help you stay on track.
Be prepared for setbacks
Setbacks are inevitable – that's just part of life. But, it's important to remember that setbacks are not failures. They're just part of the journey. So, when you do encounter a setback, don't give up on your intentions. Just pick yourself up and keep moving forward.
Reward yourself for your progress
As you make progress toward your intentions, don't forget to reward yourself! This will help keep you motivated and remind you that your hard work is paying off.
If you’re interested in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for your life intentions, goals, or mental wellness, contact me here.
Seanna Crosbie, LCSW-S